Slip and Fall Case Settled for $375,000

During April, 2015, I recovered $375,000.00 following a slip and fall injury.  My client suffered a back injury which required months of medical treatment.  I filed the lawsuit in St. Louis City Circuit Court. Prior to filing the lawsuit and during 2 years of litigation, the defense made no offer to resolve the case.   However, at mediation two weeks prior to trial, I was able to recover $375,000.00 for my client’s injuries. The case involved a slip and fall on a wet floor at a commercial building; the defendant’s employee had been mopping in the area of the fall and left the area wet without posting any sign or warning.  I was able to prove that the defendant’s employee was responsible for the wet floor and that the employee knew of the wet condition but did nothing about it, and as a result, my client was injured.

Mogab and Hughes Attorneys, P.C. has more than 50 years of experience winning slip and fall cases. Please call us for a free consultation at 314-241-4477.