Massage Therapy Sexual Assault Lawyer in St. Louis

I specialize in lawsuits against massage therapy facilities where any type of sexual assault has taken place and I have recovered 7 figure settlements for my clients.

We are evaluating cases against Massage LuXe and other massage spas for sexual assaults. In recent months, employees of Massage LuXe in St. Louis have been charged with sex crimes, including sodomy and sexual abuse. Massage LuXe Employees charged with sex crimes

If you or a loved one have been a victim of a sex crime in a spa or massage therapy business, call David Hughes at 314-241-4477 for a free consultation. David G. Hughes Attorney Profile


Asbestos Exposure – Worker’s Compensation Claims

I recently recovered $650,000.00 in a Missouri Worker’s Compensation mesothelioma claim. My client was exposed to asbestos in the course and scope of his employment during the early 1990’s. This was a zero offer case from the defense until we were close to trial, and the case was settled.

If you have been exposed to asbestos while working in Missouri and have mesothelioma or asbestosis, call Attorney David Hughes at 314-241-4477.