Slip and Fall Case Settled for $375,000

During April, 2015, I recovered $375,000.00 following a slip and fall injury.  My client suffered a back injury which required months of medical treatment.  I filed the lawsuit in St. Louis City Circuit Court. Prior to filing the lawsuit and during 2 years of litigation, the defense made no offer to resolve the case.   However, at mediation two weeks prior to trial, I was able to recover $375,000.00 for my client’s injuries. The case involved a slip and fall on a wet floor at a commercial building; the defendant’s employee had been mopping in the area of the fall and left the area wet without posting any sign or warning.  I was able to prove that the defendant’s employee was responsible for the wet floor and that the employee knew of the wet condition but did nothing about it, and as a result, my client was injured.

Mogab and Hughes Attorneys, P.C. has more than 50 years of experience winning slip and fall cases. Please call us for a free consultation at 314-241-4477.

St. Louis Car Accident Case Settled for $800,000

I recently settled a St. Louis County Circuit Court automobile accident case for $800,000.00.  After 2 ½ years of litigation and numerous depositions of fact and expert witnesses, the case was resolved on the first day of trial after various Motions were presented and ruled upon by the trial Judge.  My client’s vehicle was struck by another vehicle while stopped in traffic on Highway 270 in St Louis County. The Plaintiff suffered a broken pelvis and post-traumatic stress disorder.  As a result of the injuries related to the car accident, she lost the job she loved as a nurse and was unable to return to nursing.  While many defense attorneys and insurance companies often argue that St. Louis County Circuit Court is a “conservative venue”, our client was extremely happy with the hard work of her attorney and the ultimate outcome.

Mogab & Hughes Attorneys, P.C. have more than fifty years of experience with car accident cases.  Please call me at 314-241-4477.